Don't wait - Contact us today +1 (708) 475-7655

Do you want to enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life?

Water cleanliness is essential. At Clear Water, we raise awareness and educate people about the importance of water quality.

What makes us stand out?

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How is the process?

Initial Consultation

Step 1: Schedule an appointment
Step 2: Gather information
Step 3: Meeting with the specialist

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Water Testing

Step 1: Collecting samples
Step 2: Sending samples for analysis
Step 3: Analyzing the results

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Filtration System Installation

Step 1: Recommendation of Filtration System
Step 2: Site Inspection
Step 3: Installation of Filtration System
Step 4: Testing of System

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Maintenance and Repair

Step 1: Regular Maintenance
Step 2: Emergency Repair
Step 3: Replacement of Filters
Step 4: Ongoing Support

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Give your family a better quality of life with quality water.

"With our filters, you can enjoy chemical-free water for a healthy life."

Ecological water systems with sustainable energy

Sodium and potassium chloride tank. Performs ion exchange in the equipment's regeneration, removing minerals that cause water hardness.

Reverse osmosis alkaline water system

This advanced filter combines the efficiency of reverse osmosis with the benefits of alkaline water, offering a unique solution to obtain purified and enriched water.

"I couldn't believe the difference in the taste of my water after having Clear Water install their filtration system. Not only does it taste better, but I also have peace of mind knowing that it's clean and safe for my family to drink. I highly recommend Clear Water for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their drinking water."

"Before having Clear Water install their filtration system, I was constantly buying bottled water because I didn't trust the quality of my tap water. Now, I don't have to worry about spending money on bottled water and can enjoy the convenience of having clean, safe water straight from my tap. Thank you Clear Water for providing such a great service!"

"Clear Water's filtration system has been a game-changer for my family's health and well-being. Before we had the system installed, we had no idea about the harmful contaminants that could be lurking in our tap water. Now, we have access to clean and safe drinking water that not only tastes great but also gives us the peace of mind knowing that we are protected from harmful pollutants. Clear Water's exceptional service and top-notch filtration technology have exceeded our expectations, and we would highly recommend them to anyone looking for reliable and effective water filtration solutions."

Our Team

We guarantee the quality of the water.